Certyfikacja wyrobów IBIC


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Certyfikat Bezpieczeństwa

Safety certificate

Security certificate






What is a security certificate?


The safety certificate is a confirmation of compliance with the standards of services provided by the manufacturer of the certified product within the framework of its safe use by the consumer. There is also information for the customer that the product, used in accordance with the rules provided by the manufacturer, does not pose a threat to life.

The safety certificate is issued on the basis of the ISO 45001 series of standards and the European Union Directives on human safety.



Why certification with IBiC?



      A safety certificate is a confirmation that the manufacturer cares about the safety of his company and the products or services it offers

      A potential customer increasingly pays attention to whether the product has been evaluated by an independent body.

      Short term of execution



Certification process - Three-year certification cycle



II. Supervisory audits (once a year)





Instytut Badań i Certyfikacji Sp. z o.o.


ul. Chmielna 2/31

00--020 Warszawa


