Certyfikacja wyrobów IBIC


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Instytut Badań i Certyfikacji Sp. z o.o.


ul. Chmielna 2/31

00--020 Warszawa



CE certificate and mark of conformity

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What is the CE mark of conformity







The CE mark is a symbol that the product complies with EU requirements. The CE mark, colloquially known as CE certification, is not a quality certificate and does not confirm the origin of the product. This means meeting requirements for, among other things, mechanical properties, electromagnetic interference, noise, etc. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the correct course of the marking process.





CE certification



The Institute of Testing and Certification provides services in the field of affixing the CE mark to module A. CE certification is carried out in the following stages in accordance with the current directives of the New Approach:



Stage 1.

Analysis and selection of instructions applicable to this product / analysis of instructions used by the client.


Stage 2

Selection of the method of assessment of conformity of products.

Stage 3

Carrying out conformity assessment and all necessary checks. Hazardous products are assessed by one of our notified partners. We evaluate the rest of the group of goods according to the conformity assessment module "A".


Stage 4

Preparation of CE declaration.


Stage 5

A properly conducted CE marking process is the basis for issuing a Certificate of Verification of the Declaration of Conformity.





Advantages of cooperation with IBiC


- Behavior in accordance with EU guidelines

- Savings as a result of the conducted assessment.

- Brand image enhancement.

- Reducing the company's liability by documenting the evaluation process

- Improving product quality and safety

- Effective evaluation process

Certyfikacja CE

Service description


The scope of services provided by the Institute of Testing and Certification related to the application of the CE mark on products and conformity assessment in the industry:


- assistance in implementing the CE mark

- consultations on the New Approach Directives

- product testing

- assistance in granting the CE mark

- Certificate of verification of the declaration of conformity